01:30 A.M in the morning, all of a sudden my eyes opened, it was November 11 Th, i kept my hand on the other side of the bed; to see whether he is still near me or not! He was there.I went into the flashback...

I still remember when we used to hold our hands in public, and slowly giving an indication that " you are near me, still i miss you Baby" and tried to be together in every moment of the day.I can still feel that thing..
July 22, I saw him for the first time when i was opening the door. He was standing outside his Balcony, wearing a maroon color t-shirt, and a black color shorts, was exercising. I turned back and saw him looking at me and my heart skipped a beat.I felt weak at the knees and just couldn't control my feelings towards him. I felt, it was love at first sight! we met each other through some common friends.The first time we went out to Rome around in the city, i was walking ahead of him, trying to look for few things. All of a sudden he came and stood in front of me. And said silently in my ear, whispering" I Think I love You".I could just look into his eyes saying, this is what i always wanted to hear and you have said it... without even thinking ahead started loving each other. The first time when he touched my hands, i felt as i am meant to be with him.The first time he kissed me, i felt he is the only, and only one for me.The first time we made love, and i opened my eyes in the morning, he said "Now you are a married women-you are married to me" and i smiled and went to have bath. When i think of those words, my body becomes cold and still!!I can still feel the sensation.

Love is actually such a strong and powerful emotion of all.you just fall for someone and can't imagine your life without them.Its an amazing and true feeling. isn't it??
Love is something that makes you laugh in tough times, and cry in happier moments.Love is the magic in the air, you just need to feel it.Love is the same like the kid's innocent smile.You just feel like loving love..
Time went by we became one soul and it was unimaginable for my heart to beat without his existence.I remember once when i was out of town and met him after few days, he was standing a mile away from me, with his hands wide open and expected me to run and hug him tightly.I regret for that moment because i was worried about people and did not hugged him.He went inside the house, little upset and questioned on my love. That was the day when he started maintaining distance from me.I managed somehow and asked him to trust me.And he did.
I still remember when we used to hold our hands in public, and slowly giving an indication that " you are near me, still i miss you Baby" and tried to be together in every moment of the day.I can still feel that thing..
Today is November 11, and we are still together.we know each other, i know he is with
me in every moment of life, i know our souls will be together today, and forever.I know our love will grow and become mature, I know we will love each other more than yesterday and less then tomorrow.I know his hands will be there to support me, i know he will wipe my tears when i will cry.
And most importantly- I know he won't leave me and go!!!!I know i am a habit for him.and he is for me.our love is so strong that no one can depart us from each other.No one!! No One!!!I believed we are meant to be together.And only death can apart us, just to start a new beginning.
It was 03:30 A.M, I woke him up, he asked what happened??
I said " IF ONLY i had one day left in my life and that is the last day..i would like to
spend it with you and would love to die seeing your face with the beautiful memories of our love.He said don't worry baby i am here. I am with you always.
09:30 A.M i opened my eyes he was not there, I looked for him in the house, he was not there.I ran towards the balcony to see if his car still there, it was not there. I thought may be he went to buy something for me.May be he had some urgent work in the office and will give a call saying"Baby i love you so much".May be he went to bought a wedding Gown for me, so that we can be together always.May be...May e...May... Waited and waited.I called him, he did n receive. I tried again and again and again!!!! I kept trying- the voice on the phone said= The number you are trying is out of coverage area.I got still, my body stopped working.I coudn't eat, i didn't slept for many days, i immensely lost weight.My condition was horrible and miserable.My friends were worried about me and doubt that can i even be back to normal.. My mind said he left me, but heart still trusted him.
Huh!!! I still trust him.Can't believe Its been three years, when i still trust him. I do miss him but i have learned to stay without him.Not even one day when i have not thought about him.The first thing i think about in the morning is Him.The first thing when i get dressed up is about what he liked!! The first thing when i am in a restaurant in what he would have eaten if was with me.The first thing i go for shopping , i for him.My life is his. I don't know where he is, i don't know what he is doing. But he can't steal what he has given to me.
Still can't believe its been three years!!!!! BUT it has.
And i am celebrating November again!!!