Saturday, November 30, 2013


How do you find a perfect person in your life? How do you know if someone is the right choice? Or how do you know if the person you choose will be the one you have always wanted? How do you know if the life you are living is what you deserved or how do you know if the loss you have suffered is what is destined? How do you know if everything that you have got in life is something that you have been destined with?

There is no correct answer for this but just an assumption that whatever is happening is happening because it is destined to be. I know, I know it sounds so much philosophical but that is what people say and that is what everyone on this earth says. Do you really believe on this?

Is it really true that whatever happened or happens in your life is already been decided by someone?

Is it true that everything is pre-planned?

Is it true that every small glass or human is moved by someone’s wish and that someone is unknown?

Is it true that we meet people not by chance but as destined? Or is it true that if someone hurts you or breaks your trust then that is as well destined?

 These questions are highly philosophical and not most of us want to think about them. But it makes me think because things just happen and we don’t even realize how, when and where. Everything is pre-planned as per what I think .From birth to death, from marriage to kids, from whom your parents will be and with whom you will be forever.  If it is not planned then who is the one doing it? How are things happening that are actually happening in our life?

I had this urge to do so many things in life, but it didn't turn up. I turned up to be someone who I never thought will be. When I was graduating the interviewer asked me a question and the question was “Where do you see yourself in next five years”. As usual I said I see myself as a manager in the company I am working with. Also I see myself as a successful professional. At that point I never knew I will be a write, voracious reader and an author or the book “My Vows Remain Unchanged”. I never thought I will work with Deloitte for three long years and still will feel to continue to love U.S. Taxation. I mean things just happen if it had to and if that is not destined in your destiny then no matter how hard you try it won’t happen.

I am sure writing this blog is destined, my thoughts have been destined, talking to people whom I talk is destined, and everything happening in my life is a result of the destiny that I have been assigned to.  I have seen best buddies becoming enemies, I have seen brothers fighting, I have seen lovers departing and I believe it is all the game of destiny.

Well, with this thought I would leave you thinking if you agree to what I have written or not. If you believe in destiny then just believe on it and let things happen. And if you do not believe on destiny then just remember the moment when you tried how to get something in life, still couldn’t get it, that is destiny.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hot Shot - Four months is a long time.

My last blog was written on? . . . Can anyone of you guess how many days it had been? Or maybe months? One month? Or two? Or three? Or max four?

Let me tell you. . . It has almost been four months (When I wrote this blog it was four months, and today it had been five complete months).  since I have written anything. Believe me from the time I have started writing, this is the first time EVER when I haven’t written anything for four long months (Like FOUR LONG MONTHS). I am myself shocked on this that I have had so many things to share but I haven’t written anything about any one of them.

It happens right, at times that you know what your passion is but you are not able to follow it for a reason or the other. The same happened with me. I picked up the blogs to write, but left them half written, and saved them as drafts in my documents folder. Writing has always been a kind of art for me. It makes me freebie from my worries and tensions. It makes me feel light after expressing what I feel for something. Writing helps me in knowing my own self. From gone by four months everything has been inside me and has accumulated in my mind and heart.

So, today, I am going to talk about four things that happened in my life in past four months. 

# Work:

Yes, I have been working like hell from past four months. The only thing I did that Deloitte taught me is to work like crazy in busy season and party hard after that. But, working like hell is an issue. And when I say working like hell means working 12-14 hours a day and at time even 16 hours. You have to give up on your leisure time, you have to sacrifice your weekends and you have to not bother about how you look and your eyebrows. But the busy season makes me feel that I am capable of working that much. It is a reality check of your own self, of your patience and learning.

# Disputes:

One bad thing about me is I want to be fair with everyone, and I treat everyone equally. If I see something wrong happening near my space I stand for it and try to correct it. Now when I try to correct it, for sure I make few enemies. Now when I make enemies, should I stop being fair or should I support people in doing wrong? Nope. I don’t think so. So in these four months, I again made few enemies, fought with people, and proved my points each time I thought something was wrong.  Now it had happened may times that I thought something was wrong but I couldn't say anything for that or couldn't take a stand.  The issue is if I am not able to say something for the wrong happenings I can’t be relaxed from within and will keep thinking about the same leading to my own loss of blood.

# Experience:

No matter how much you have experienced in life, it is never going to be enough. Every day or the other will bring something new that you have not experienced before. And every-time you think you will keep the experience in mind so that next time you won’t suffer the same but it doesn't work like that. You will again have the same experience but with different learning this time. Same experience twice or thrice teaches you different lessons. 

In-fact experience is never ending. Even after 5 years you will keep experiencing new things that you haven’t experienced before. At the age of 60 you will experience something that you haven’t experienced till then. But yes, you still need to keep learning from those experiences. God, I am tired of experiencing new things all the times but what to do . . . it keeps going on!

And last but not the least. . .

# It’s just life and it will keep going on.

 Yes, we take things too seriously and we react on things. We can’t take if something unfair is happening with us, and want to set it right. Setting it right makes it gets more worst, and at the end the result is zero. People these days are biased and they are double faced. But, you can’t help it. You will see double faced people everywhere. Yes, we always need to make sure to stand for the right and fight for the wrong but if it doesn't work out, then just let it GO!

Okay, so with this I complete my blog after complete four months and hoping to right every week from now onward.

Achievement to be shared:

Published ONLY 71 articles on this blog and have reached 50,000 views.

Keep reading and share the website to your friends. And do get my book if have not read yet. J

A crazy fan of Big Boss 7!

P.S.: Is it just me who feels that people do wrong things purposely and they pull you down on a purpose or everyone? I assume the later one.

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