this is the link for Part 1 those who have not yet read it.
Ah! What a morning it was. Sunshine and a chilled breeze running through my face, hot ginger tea, sipping; reading the news-paper. Well nothing was there on the paper that attracts me, but I went through the pages, read few page 3 headlines, one of that says; Who is the superstar Khan, and it included kareena kapoor ‘khan’ as well with shahrukh, salman, and of course saif! I realized it was time for me to rush to office, took a quick bath, and reached office. On my way I got reminded of the dream about the god that I had last night. Laughed on my foolishness, and tried logging in with my user id and password. Password was not getting accepted. Tried again, didn’t work. I called the Technology people; to help me through the problem. They said, my account has been deleted and I am no longer an employee of the company. I went to our talent head, and they said they received an application signed by me. And someone called saying, I am not well and should relieve me as soon as they can. I didn’t understood what’s happening, called my father asking if he did something like this. His answer was ‘No, why will I ’.
I came out of the office. Thinking for a while, I said to myself. Oh my god. Yes God. Did I saw him really? Did I met god the last night in my dreams. Holy shit. Did all my wishes come true? I rushed to the ATM, to check my balance, and I showed billions of dollars. I shopped and checked if it’s actually there. Yes, it was. Went to the bank, asked them about the available balance, they said ‘mam, you have enough, this much that even if you don’t work whole of your life, you can spend and live lavishly. I couldn’t believe. I was happy, that was ecstasy for me. My wishes were coming true. Unlimited money without working. Wow! I went on shopping, bought all the needful things, in fact everything I ever wanted. Went on world tour with my family, car, AC, bungalow, high design wallets, pure leather belts, watch, and what not. And I -phone, android, latest mobile phone, my brother’s marriage in lavish restaurant, etc. money was just like news-paper for me, every day at my doorstep.
Time went by, I turned fifty. Got married, had two kids, they never worked, as they never studied. They knew I was there with them always as I asked god to ‘live forever’ as my second wish. My parents were alive as I asked god as my third wish, that they should be there will me always, and always, until I die. I was growing old, they were growing old. I was sick as I didn’t work, my body was not active, I never did anything whole of my life, as money was always there. I used to be tired after every small task. My kids and husband always used to spend money like anything. They never cared for me as they learned from their childhood that money can buy anything and everything. I was not able to teach the values, the traditions, the customs, and how to care for someone and most importantly what love was. They used to get drunk every day and come home as they had no responsibilities.
My parents were growing old, I was growing old. I had nothing to do, they had nothing to do. They were not aware of my meeting with god and the three wishes. Mom was not well the other day, and my dad was next to her, were worried if something will happen to her. I said don’t worry; nothing is going to happen to both of you until I am there. My husband was no more with me, as I didn’t asked any wish for him. My kids were busy in their life. It was me and my parents left alone. Even they wanted to die, as they grew old, a lot more than they expected. They lived their life happily with me. Now they wanted to relax, but couldn’t. I told them about the three wishes I asked for: Unlimited, unmanageable money, without working, I wanted to be alive forever, And third that my parents has to be there with me always.
We were old, were tired. I realized it was actually forever and ever. I was just lying on my bed, doing nothing, nothing at all!
One night, saw someone in my dreams: he was the same old man I saw the other day, who called himself god. Lost my patience and asked to take the wishes back. He said ‘I already told you the other day that wishes can’t be changed, altered or taken back. I cried, I begged nothing worked.
It was my entire mistake. The blunder I did. In reality, each and everything hold its place in life, be it money, be it love, and be it life or death! Living each moment, each phase of life is more important than expecting it to be forever and ever. It’s all about living!!
If sunrise is important, sunset is important as well. Day is important, so is night! Happiness is a part of life, and so is sadness. Love is a part of life and hatred holds a place too. Living is more important, than fearing life and death.
Oh well, at the end god took the wishes back, looking at me, that I have realized what life is.

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