Sunday, January 1, 2012

One day while going to the office!

I got ready for office, and was near the parking area. Heard the voice, bhow- bhow. Went outside the building and guess  what did i saw? Two cute puppies, i think a week old, playing and crumbling the Chapati given to them. As they saw me going towards them, they ran, with food in their mouth, thinking i may eat all. I called again, baby come here..After a lot of efforts, I was successful in winning their hearts and now, we play everyday. I have to see them once i get back home, pat their back, love them and get into the apartment. If i don't see them, they listen to my vehicle's horn and come running. Wanna see the picture? Here it it!

Really, pets are something makes you happy. They are always with you, and give lots and lots of love, if you love them.Please, please, adopt if you have the capability. Even they deserve a better life.


  1. after reading this post,really again i miss my doggy-jimmy...........
    he is no more in this beautiful world but our whole family still missing a lot .........

  2. @Deepak: yeah, i can understand! Its really sad when your pet leaves you and go. They are really loving creatures. May jimmy rest in peace.


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