Why do you act like this always? Why do you talk like this ? Why do you behave in this manner when someone says you something ? Why are your reactions so proactive ? Why don't you go out on weekends? Why don't you enjoy ? Why do you keep writing? Why did you acted that way the other day ? Why do you like this color ? Why don't you try this instead of the one you are presently ? Why can't you come on time? Why you have to give explanations, always ? Why don't you like Chinese food ? Why don't you drink or smoke? Why do you laugh out loud in public ? Why did you talked to her/him like this ? Why can't you just sit quietly ? Please do not talk when i don't want to . Please Walk straight. Please don' talk like this me. Please Please please do as i say.
There are few creatures on this earth, who are always living with a perception that they are the most complete , most eligible and most correct people on this earth. They think if they are not there on this earth, the earth will be like a desert, quiet and calm. They think they are someone who holds the Guinness book of world record for advising and counselling people. Also they think, that they are the best in everything they do; be it cooking, to mixing and cutting vegetable, or in behaving and impressing people, or in carrying themselves in the crowd.Rest are just someone , who are illiterate, sad, and cry babies. Alright! Can people like this please, i literally mean it, please stop giving their advice's on every single thing we do ? We don't need it. It's actually irritating, and brings our confidence down instead of boosting it high. It really makes us feel 'not so worthy' kind of, that we are surely not. It , it kinds of make us feel, as if we are some dumb assholes who are just on this earth for no other reason than listening to someone else.
If we like listening to some STUPID, stupid songs from some old movie, be it 1950's or the 1800 or be it rock and roll(although i don't think we had some music at that time, but still) if we wanna do that, please let us do that. Why do you have to advice on what songs should we listen to? I don;t think there is any compulsion passed by the government that only number 1, number 2 and number 3 can be listened to or there is? Is there? Under some law and some act ? Huh.
okay, i agree we laugh on every small thing that is, may be, in your perspective, not that funny, but let us laugh . Don't just say ' what is there to laugh ? Of-course we find it funny than you do. Not necessarily we creatures laugh on the same thing, in the same way, at the same time, for the same duration. haha..imagine if we all laugh at same pace, in same style. Won't it be antique ?
Why do i love to click pictures? and why do drink a lot of caffeine? Are you really asking me these kind of questions? Common, that i what i love doing. I am a amateur photographer and i love to capture every moment of my life. Also i am fond of clicking my own pictures. We all have something different, and unique, And caffeine, well i love coffee, and ginger tea is my favorite. I am an artistic person, and i am very close to nature. I love having a cup of tea or coffee accompanying me when i am writing, or thinking something, or in the evening while watching my favorite TV show or a movie ( like the high school musicals or some old legendary ).
And how about my anger, and about my proactive nature, and how about the way i talk, and the way i say that i hate these beggars on the road. Yeah that is my thought, the way i am , the way i behave, my personality traits. I never said anyone, (i think until now) to not to behave in certain way just because i don't like it . I respect for what you are, for how you are. I don't want any one to change for me, Unlike people want me to change for them.
Okay, so you want me to be with you always when you want, or when you are not feeling well, or when you are actually feeling low, and want me to talk to you. And when i cry, or say something, you say i am acting weird and why do i always keep crying ? Did i ever say to you that this is your usual thing and you always keep crying, and that you don't know how to act mature or act in an appropriate way ? Then instead of being with me you are advising me to act mature and saying that i don't know to act per my age. Does age really matters or reduces the pain? If yes, the old people won't need anyone at all, and the Young gen will never be heart broken. Soo please don;t advice. Just be with us if you can.
If i say something, is that it ? Can't that be altered ? Can't that be modified ? It can right. So if i say lets meet this weekend , or if i say i don;t have time, or if i say i can't see you tonight as promised, you stopped talking to me . And then you say i am changing the plans. Ofcourse things change all of a sudden. You have popping corn always in your life. And you continue your advice saying i should understand the other person's feeling . How about my feelings ? Did i say why can't you understand me.

P.S : I know advice is for free, but please just for the reason don't distribute it. Something for free is not valued until asked for.
Please please stop it. We don't need it actually( The advice).
And again If you are an indiblogger, do promote the post, if you liked it. Else, leave a comment, or a like, if the post related to you in some way. Thanks!
I totally agree with you on this one! Nothing is free in this world except advice(read : useless advice)
ReplyDeleteGood post!
well.... these type of advices are really given by people who are very close to us..... they give it for our betterment... yes i agree sometimes overdose happens and we should be allowed to live our life in our own way... but there is no harm in considering the advice at least once since it is given by dear one.........at last….. "Fact of life : We have solutions to all the problems when they are not ours...."…… this is the reason why people give so much advice…
ReplyDeleteright ! totally agree with all :)
ReplyDeletesometimes it lie on the situation that's all i can say.
Upasana : Thank you so so much for your comment and that you liked the post. Do visit again! :)
ReplyDeleteGirish : Yes i agree to you point. but here i am basically referring to those people who actually give a lot of advice to others without even realizing that its a bit too much. If you have observed our near and dear ones actually dont advice after a certain point..but others do..
Deepak: haha thanks for your comment again and i agree it depends on the situation.. :)
Interesting and really nice post!
ReplyDeleteThank you!