Friday, February 3, 2012

T-R-U-S-T - - - - - - -The odd man out!

How strange life is, how strange people are, and how odd man out the word 'Trust' is.

'Trust'! what does it actually means ? Does it mean a person does not hurt you? Does it mean a person does not betray you? Does it mean a person fulfills his promise? Does it mean a person be with you forever and forever? Does it mean a person always be with you in need and deed? Does it mean a person should stick on to the words that he blabbered a days back or years back? Does it mean a person should not break your heart?   Well well well, hold on are these all expectations ? It depends again. We usually try connecting Trust and Expectations and collaborating it. Both means different. Let me clear it out as per my experience and understanding.

Trust is when somebody promised you that he will be with you forever, or will help you in completing some task. That is something the other person promised himself and you did not ask for it. It was his will to do that for you because may be he loves you, or he thinks you are a friend worth it, and he cares for you because he likes you.

Expectation is when you expect something out of others without they promising it to you. When you expect someone to stand by you even they never said that they will , or when you expect that the other person loves you or care for you without that person telling it out to you.

Trust breaks when someone does not do what he has promised to you, and expectations break when someone does not do that he did not promised and your heart expected. What hurts more? Trust or Expectation ? Well i think both. Trust hurts because the other person tried to build that trust in you for him, and when you did trust him, he couldn't stand up-to that. Expectations hurt a little less than trust because at-least it was one sided and at the end it was your fault to expect something out of someone.

At the end the question comes should we never trust someone? Well...there is no answer left for that question. Because trust is something you get to know after betrayal. When someone breaks your trust you actually get to know the real meaning of it. And so we say..experience teach you well.

And believe me you are gonna experience the same thing again and again in life but with a different learning, with a different thought process and with a different result. Also believe me each experience teaches you a new lesson.At times some situation is difficult to control than the other one, but believe me one more time that god had made each one of us soo strong, that surely we can manage ourselves if not others.

P.S : Well something happened that made me to write this post. What is it? I am surely gonna write it the next time. Till then See ya! and Happy blogging to my fellow bloggers!


  1. your every post silently say some-thing in my perception
    I Mean-
    clearly ! "measurement of life"
    perfectly touched it:)

  2. @Deepak : You really like all my posts? or just to keep my heart you say? :(

    But thanks!! Again.

  3. if i say -NO
    what would be your feedback ?
    i want to see it !

    anyway ! this is my one of the top 10 personal blog category :):)
    ---Believe or Not ---

  4. Deepak: hmm..Well if the answer is NO ...i am gonna improve my writing..and try to write better than this..:(


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