Thursday, March 28, 2013

WHEN I talk to you,,, it means many things.

I am a little pissed off on certain things these days. People (exceptions are always there), these days, believe me, have nothing else to do other than being online on Facebook and chatting and making new friends. Yes, I agree I am equally active on Facebook and you will see my updates quite often on my page and my personal profile. But when I talk about these people they are on Facebook for making relationships, for friendships. These people spend their whole day chatting – chatting and chatting with unknown people and trying to know them.

I update my status about the book (mostly), about the promotion activities, I upload few pictures and people tag me in pictures. For me it’s a necessity to create awareness among the people about the book. Since I am also working on my next book I need to keep my audience engaged and keep them updated about my happenings. Public appearance is a must for people like me. Facebook is the most effective way of advertising platform and people actually relate success to your Facebook page likes. Believe me or not but they do!

Now coming on to few other people on Facebook whom I have dealt with and I am sure, at some point of time, you all must have. These are the people who will be online 24/7, always chatting, and talking about something BIG to achieve in their life. They want to be an entrepreneur, they want to write a book, they want to open a business, and they want to be famous and successful like Ambani’s and Birla’s. They are the one who want to bring a change in the world and they are the one who blame circumstance for everything happening to them.
They have big dreams on paper but when it comes in executing it, they do nothing. 


So let me tell you people, before you say I am active on Facebook, yes I agree. And there is a valid reason. But also remember, I am managing my time, almost next to effectively for all the activities that I want to do or perform. I work for Deloitte and believe me it’s not that fun. We actually need to place our mind on peace and then review the work of people. SO I have no escape. Then I write and that is not easy as well. I need to place my mind at peace and then after going home, write blogs and second book. Then, on weekends, as well, I go to teach students. SO, my Saturday flies away. Sunday, I do my laundry, house cleaning, calling my few old friends and discussing about what’s going in my life and their life. I many times don’t receive few people’s call because I have no time. But I get back to them ASAP or leave a message.

And why am I doing all these things?

Because I want to!! Because I love doing things! I don’t want to waste a moment doing nothing.

I always wanted to be a person who works on various things at a time. I always wanted to achieve something in life. I always had few dreams to fulfill and so I am working hard to follow everything.

Now when someone pings on facebook, and ask me to be their friend, especially the juniors then I have enough friends already. I am not able to give time to them. So I expect us to share a healthy relationship as a junior and a senior. 

When someone asks me to be their ‘sister’ I AM so SORRY. I can never do that. I have one loving brother and believe me no one has that potential to take his place in my life ever! EVER! I love my brother so much and I can’t see dividing his position in my life with someone else. Neither, I need a brother through Facebook. I know few people make everyone their brothers and sisters. I value relationship a lot. Please don’t count me in.

 Now, when someone pings me after 12 in the night, simply just to chat. I am sorry I can’t do that either especially if there is nothing urgent that need to be talked right at that moment. I am always there when people need me, to counsel them, to help them- both in their personal and professional life, but I can’t chat whole night or after midnight just because you guys are free. I am on computer mostly because when I am writing I am doing research and stuffs. I am doing many things at a time, I am reading, I am writing, I am working, I am talking to my close ones. SO I am not just following the cycle that most of the people of my age follow…


My cycle is somewhat like this:


Last thing, if you are my junior from college I will help you out with things but not spoon-feed. Don’t expect a little more than you should from me. I can’t be your sister, or another relation for that matter.

And when coming to being friend, I would say go out of Facebook, and see and meet people around you personally. There is a world outside Facebook; there are people outside this window. Go meet them and believe me you can only be good friends when you meet the person, personally.

There is life outside Facebook. There is a REAL world.

And if you want to achieve your dreams (BIG DREAMS) then ACT towards it and don’t update about it.

The same is applicable for people who want to change the society. Instead of creating awareness on Facebook, do something. Everyone knows what‘s happening. Enough of awareness has been created by people about education, politics, fraud, rape but no one is acting!

So talk only when you can act upon it. Or else don’t just talk talk talk!

Last thing, don’t worry about my marriage. I am running 25. I think I will get married by 28. Before taking other responsibilities I need to write 3 books, do something more for society and figure out what exactly I want to follow as my passion.

So when I am talking to you guys, It means we share a relationship but you need to understand which one.       

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